Friday, July 15, 2005

Linus' comments

There is a huge discussion going on making the timer interrupt frequency selectable from the default 1000Hz now. Yesterday, Linus got involved in the same. The result - some amazing comments on lkml :-) I am posting below some of his non-technical comments. Enjoy maadi!!


- I have to say, this whole thread has been pretty damn worthless in general in my not-so-humble opinion.

- But if somebody is doing this because they think "jiffies" are evil, then that somebody is being a total idiot. Jiffies aren't evil.

- The stupid way is simpler, but anybody who doesn't see what the problem is has some serious problems in kernel programming.

- Jiffies are here to stay, and they are here to stay for some very very fundamental reasons. If you hear somebody arguing for removing jiffies, you should piss in their general direction, and realize that they don't know what they are talking about.

- And I claim that you _cannot_ do better.

- Dammit, I want a real user who says that he can noticeable see his DVD stuttering, not some theory. I'm incredibly fed up with the theoretical whining.

- Really. I dare you guys. First one to send me a tested patch gets a gold star.

- I'm -right-. I'm always right. This time I'm just even more right than usual.


At 1:15 PM, Blogger Animesh Saxena said...

That was nice. Not sure if these comments you copied are for mocking him ;). The guy is a genius in his own right and if anyone has the right to be arrogant he definitely has.

Animesh Saxena

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Hariprasad N said...

I am a *BIG* fan of Linus as well. So no chance of mocking him :-)

- Hari


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