Thursday, July 14, 2005

Preserving/Promoting a language

I asked Ananth to join me in growing kannadagaade. He has readily agreed. I think its worth jotting down my thoughts on this whole issue of linguistic patriotism.

I attended Bhoomi Jaatre a few months ago and ended up giving my email ID to some campaign there. A few weeks later, I got added to one of those Kannada yahoo groups. It took me only 3 days to realize that this was one of those similar groups. Bashing other languages is their primary goal. Comparing how other languages are inferior when compared with ours (in terms of history, script, etc etc) was what was happening.

People even came up with amazingly stupid ideas about promoting Kannada. There was a call for people to buy only local "English" newspapers and boycott Times, IE, etc. Come on folks!! Grow up!! We can't grow kannada by condemning other languages. And are we inferior in any way to be suppressing other languages to promote our own? Are we scared ??

Lets do some serious constructive work to promote Kannada. The internet is a wonderful piece of technology. Lets make full use of it.

These thoughts are what led me to create Kannadagaade. Hopefully, we will be able to build a huge collection of Gaades with their interpretations and meaning. These golden sayings are the true heritage of the Kannada language.


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