Tuesday, August 02, 2005

True Friends

I have seen sevaral of my friends getting upset over someone not calling or inviting them for a certain ocassion. "He doesn't remember me in good times" is a common rambling I find amongst many people. I though think its far more important for a person to remember you when he/she is in trouble. I will be happy if I am the first person people think of calling when are in trouble or when they need help. It means that the person has the trust and belief in you that you will help him/her out. True measure of friendship is, I think, measured by how much you are remembered in troubled times.

And I am happy to announce that I am the troubleshooter for so many friends I know. Well...some people think of me as an errand boy probably :-) but then I always look at these things differently. So folks! keep those "help needed" calls coming.


At 4:24 AM, Blogger Sripathi Kodi said...

That's a very interesting thought, it put me to serious thinking. Quite noble thought indeed.

I agree, if someone remembers us when they are in trouble, it shows how much trust they have in us. But still, it is nice to be remembered once in a while when they are happy. Especially when they are so happy that they want to treat their friends ;-)

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Ananth Narayan said...

I'd like to thank Hari on record here. Ever since I've started the assignment, Hari has been very kind in visting my place once in a while and is also making sure that my car doesn't rust.

Thanks Hari.

To the others: Guess you now know one of the "causes" for this post :-)


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