Sunday, August 14, 2005

Spot a nerd

Sripathi contributed these...I am just putting it up on the main site instead of comments.

1) mutt is the best mail client because it is fast (!!!) and powerful. Because mutt is faster, I get extra 10 seconds of time every day that that you (put_your_graphical_mail_client_here) users dont.

2) I get a kick out of editing configuration files.

3) Your application may be 1000 times better, but mine is open-sourced and hence superior ;-)

4) They said my Linksys router runs Linux. I want to test if my new kdump feature lets it take a dump when it crashes.

Also, if you question the main difference b/w mutt and other clients (after you have easily managed to demo that other clients are equally good speed wise and with great difficulty managed to get them to accept that), the standard answer is "Mutt is Light". I have still not managed to understand how saving 40-50kb on a machine with 1GB RAM is such a great achievement. Anyways...they are not geeks for nothing.


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