Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Looks like nature agrees with the average Bangalorean!! Infrastructure in India's IT capital is bad. Period.

None of the cries of the citizens was falling on the ears of the "soil people". Mother nature has proved it beyond doubt that Bangalore is crumbling. No, the problems of the past few days are not because of heavy rains. Make no mistake, its all because of bad/non-existent roads, badly planned localities, closing of lakes and poor quality of construction. The overall rain per day has been about 1/10th of what it was in Mumbai on July 26th. So.. sorry... "it all happened because of heavy rains" is not a valid excuse.

Which brings me to another topic...I have been commuting on Hosur Road for the past few months...and come to realize that a few very simple things can make traffic on that road much more manageable.

- There is never a jam as such on Hosur Road. Its almost always slow moving traffic. In such situations, discipline becomes paramount. The police need to figure out a way to stop motorists from criss-crossing.

- If you want to ask me the one big reason for traffic woes on Hosur Road, its because of the vehicles that take the service road and then try to rejoin the main road. Ban such diversions, punish the offenders, device ways to ensure only the genuine users of the service roads get on to it.

- Put up some bridges for people to cross roads...and ensure that they cross it only at those designaged junctions. You are forced to brake atleast 10 times each way because of some idiot wanting to cross the road and not bothered about the fact that he may lose his life.

- Forget the idea of an elevated road or whatever. It seems they are planning it with a toll booth in mind. Imagine guys, the jams will be at the toll booth instead of the road. Spend 90 minutes in a queue approaching the toll booth and then reach Ecity in 10 minutes!!

- Just build underpasses or road over bridges at the three bottlenecks between Silk Board and E-City. It will work...believe me!!

- Please put educated folks to manage traffic at the junctions. They never seem to get the point that if the traffic on the main road is about 10 times more than that on the cross-roads, the traffic on the main road needs to be allowed about 10 times longer than the cross-roads. The pile ups are almost always because of the empty space between the ears of the people managing traffic!

Any more suggestions??


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hari! stumbled upon your blog. Hope things are fine with you.

As for your post, all the things you say are perfect and thats all that is needed to fix Hosur Road, but then how do you ensure that the politicians and the bureaucrats make money? Cmon man, you need the "360 crore" elevated flyover instead of 3 cheap flyovers!!


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