Monday, August 22, 2005

Blade Server ah - illa Blade ah?

I am making comparisons between IBM and Dell Blade Servers and am going nuts!! For a pretty much similar configuration, there is a $6000 difference between IBM’s and Dell’s machines. Take a guess on which one is on the higher side (

So me back to my research table now to see if I am missing something really obvious with the Dell configuration leading to that huge difference.

Like they say in Kannada…..6000 difference andare….nijavaagalu Blade-eh (


At 5:26 AM, Blogger Sripathi Kodi said...

Oh dear, how did you forget so soon? What you are missing in the Dell kit is the "On-demand business" :-)

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Ananth Narayan said...

Hmm, am I seeing a cynical streak here?

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Chinmay Albal said...

blade alla ri - garagasa


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